s/COMPLETED:(\d+)\s', 'COMPLETED:\g<1>T120000Z'/;
s/ *$//;
python caldav client library
Tobias Brox
Redpill Linpro
(Steam iron photo by Lombroso, CC BY-SA 4.0)
s/COMPLETED:(\d+)\s', 'COMPLETED:\g<1>T120000Z'/;
s/ *$//;
RFC4791: "Support for the CALDAV:free-busy-query REPORT is REQUIRED."
RFC6833 not supported
Recurring events - search and expandation
Date search for tasks
Journal support
Flag | Description | Servers |
no expand | Server may throw errors when asked to do a expanded date search | sogo, xandikos |
no recurring | Server is having issues with recurring events/todos, like recurrances not found in date search | bedework, icloud, xandikos |
no recurring expandation | Server will not expand recurring events | google, radicale |
no scheduling | RFC6833 is not supported | radicale, xandikos, more |
non existing calendar found | Server will not yield a 404 on a random calendar URL (perhaps the calendar will be automatically created on access) | radicale, zimbra |
no freebusy rfc4791 | Server does not support a freebusy-request as per RFC4791 | icloud, radicale, sogo |
no journal | Server does not support journal entries | bedework, davical, icloud, sogo, zimbra |
duplicate in other calendar with same uid is lost | Fetch an event from one calendar, save it to another … and the duplicate will be ignored | bedework, zimbra |
propfind allprop failure | The propfind test fails … possibly the test code is wrong | bedework, icloud |
no todo | Support for VTODO (tasks) apparently missing | bedework, google, icloud |
vtodo datesearch nodtstart task is skipped | date searches for todo-items will not find tasks without a dtstart | davical, sogo |
There are really too many compatibility flags - I’ve maybe shown half of them.
calendar order | Server supports (nonstandard) calendar ordering property | radicale, zimbra, baikal, more? |
calendar color | Server supports (nonstandard) calendar color property | radicale, zimbra, baikal, more? |
Microsoft Exchange
Office 365
Version 0.2.3:
RFC6833 is not supported
Server may throw errors when asked to do a expanded date search
Server is having issues with recurring events and/or todos. date searches covering recurrances may yield no results, and events/todos may not be expanded with recurrances
The two latter should be solved in higher versions, but higher versions freezes when I’m running tests. I believe it’s a bug in Xandikos.
The given user starts without an assigned default calendar - without pre-defined calendars at all
Server will automatically create calendars on access
Server does not support a freebusy-request as per RFC4791
Server will not expand recurring events
RFC6833 is not supported
Server supports (nonstandard) calendar ordering property
Server supports (nonstandard) calendar color property
Server will not yield a 404 when accessing a random calendar URL
Server does not support journal entries
The display name of a calendar cannot be set/changed (in zimbra, display name is given from the URL)
Fetch an event from one calendar, save it to another … and the duplicate will be ignored
Server will not accept calendar object resources without an UID
Tasklists can be created, but a normal calendar does not support tasks
(… to be continued)
A GET towards a valid calendar object resource URL will yield 404
RFC6578 is not supported, things will break if we try to do a sync-token report
Recurring events are supported, but not recurring todos
Server supports (nonstandard) calendar ordering property
Server supports (nonstandard) calendar color property
Date search on todo items fails
Server supports (nonstandard) calendar ordering property
Server supports (nonstandard) calendar color property
(Disclaimer: hasn’t been tested for a while)
Date searches for todo-items will not find tasks without a dtstart
Issues with simple sync requests?
Server does not support journal entries
mkcalendar is not supported
events cannot be edited
Support for VTODO (tasks) apparently missing
Server will not expand recurring events
Needs a new and unique calendar ID for every test execution
Don’t allow copying from one calendar to another
Deleting a calendar does not delete the events on the calendar
Server does not support journal entries
Support for VTODO (tasks) apparently missing
Server does not support a freebusy-request as per RFC4791
Server is having issues with recurring events and/or todos
The propfind test fails … possibly the test code is wrong
calendar.object_by_uid(uid) does not work
… and more
Server does not support journal entries
Support for VTODO (tasks) apparently missing
The propfind test fails … possibly the test code is wrong
Server is having issues with recurring events and/or todos.
Duplication of an event in the same calendar not allowed (even with different uid)
Fetch an event from one calendar, save it to another … and the duplicate will be ignored
Server does not support journal entries
Server does not support a freebusy-request as per RFC4791
The sync token is typically a time stamp, and we need to sleep a second in the test code to get things right
Server may throw errors when asked to do a expanded date search
date searches for todo-items will not find tasks without a dtstart
I need servers to test against!
With a valid username and password
or preferably three
python caldav client library
Tobias Brox
Redpill Linpro